Passing string value to math formula


I need to pass a value from a gridcolumn with strings to an own custom javascript formula, but if I try to pass it as a cx value (c8) it is recieved as a NaN. Is it possible to write it in any other form then c8 to get the string value insted of a, I guess, parsed number ?

(have pro version)

You can change formula in the grid’s column using setValue() method: mygrid.cellByIndex(2,3).setValue(’=c8’); If you want get math formula from the particular cell you can store it in the cell’s attribute:

is it possible to write it in any other form then c8 to get the string value
Unfortunately it not possible without code modification (all data forcefully converted to numbers during math operation )

dhtmlxgrid_math.js , line  226

return “(agrid.cells(”"+id+"","+$1+").getValue()*1)";

just remove “*1” at the end of line to prevent conversion to numbers ( beware that it can cause problems for normal math operations )

Thx. I found that part in the code. Was thinking about adding a new parameter type s insted of c that returns a string. But i dont really want to like to mess with your code, I’ll have to remember to redo it when updates come.