[Pb] Moving event on timeline view


don’t know if this is a known problem.
Since the new version 4 of the scheduler, when i try to move event by dragging it, it does not work well: the size of the event is changing a lot, it can be suddenly smaller and after bigger. When i finished to move the event where i want in the timeline, the new event is completely different from the initial one.

Hope you can help me :wink:

Thanks a lot

Actually i have exactly the same problem than here :

What is timezone setting on your PC ?

Thanks for you answer, here is my timezone on my PC : UTC+01:00

please try this build of the component, it contains some fixes regarding to daylight-saving time,
does the problem occurs with this version?

s3.amazonaws.com/uploads.hipcha … 130912.zip


unfortunatly it still does not work with this version.

we’ve confirmed and fixed several bugs with dragging-resizing events over the skipped columns in timeline scale. Please check the updated version
s3.amazonaws.com/uploads.hipcha … 131105.zip