Pb with mygrid.getRowId and mygrid.enablePaging


My dhtmlxgrid’s version is 70223.

I have a pb when I want to browse the row of my dhtmlgrid with paging and several pages. I have an error: c is null

for (i=0;i<mygrid.getRowsNum();i++)


var archive_cas = mygrid.cells(mygrid.getRowId(i),0).getValue();

if (archive_cas.indexOf(‘archive.gif’,0)>=0)

mygrid.setRowTextStyle(mygrid.getRowId(i),‘background:#F3F4E7;    color:#999933;’);



    mygrid.pagesPrefix = "Page: ";

    mygrid.pagesDevider = " | ";

    mygrid.recordsInfoStr = “resultat [from]-[to]de[about][total]”;

    mygrid.noRecordStr = “Pas d’enregistrement”;

In your dhtmlxGrid version getRowsNum doesn’t allow iterate through all row in the grid with paging. Please contact sales@dthmlx.com to update your files