PDO connector problem

I am having issues with PDO on my web-host.
They do not support pdo.
Is there another way to write my custom connector without pdo?

Here is my code:


$connection = new PDO("odbc:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=../../elya158/db/HMS.mdb");

$scheduler = new schedulerConnector($connection,“PDO”);


$scheduler->render_table(“SELECT ActivityId,StartDate,EndDate,ActivityName,Details,UserName,FamilyName from Activities WHERE FamilyName = '”.$_COOKIE[‘familyName’]."’",“ActivityId”,“StartDate,EndDate,ActivityName,Details,UserName,FamilyName”);



PDO is the only solution to work with Access db using our PHP connector. Try to enable PDO. If it is impossible and you can use JAVA, try JAVA connectors instead of PHP.

In the other case, you will have to wrote your own server-side script that will generate data in xml or json format. Also you will need to process the update requests.