PHP 5 Object method access issues

While evaluating the tabbar component, I have ran in to some pronblems being able to access the returned values of PHP 5 object methods from within the tabbar content area. I am using the ajax method and XML, but have not been able to access the data returned by my method calls, instead I get an incorrect XML loading error. I am using the CDATA tags to wrap the code but it just does not want to work. I am probably missing something very simple, but cannot seem to find the answer. Any help would be appreciated. I am using the tabbar version 1.2 build 71114, and we do intend to purchase the professional version after evaluating if the component will meet all of our needs fo rthis project. If it is not possible to access PHP objects from within the tabbar content area, is this planned in future releases or is there a workaround to this problem?

Any help is appreciated.

Please try to use attached js file instead of original dhtmlxcommon.js - it will show full url used for data fetched and exact server side response - most probably some error occurs during XML generation.
If problem still occurs - please send a sample of problematic XML ( you can send it directly to ) (4.95 KB)