PHP Connector


I downloaded the last dhtmlxgrid with dataprocessor (2.1) and connector.
I followed the PHP connector example (folder 6_savedata  with my own data) where the connector and dataprocessor use the same php to load and edit data  [$grid->render_table()]

In my first question you say that the action call from client side was not contain action type parameter, and as result operation was blocked (as show the log files).
Dataprocessor put the parameter “editing=true” at php file.

What I’m doing wrong? 
Connector log file:

Log started, 14/04/2009 08:04:17

Edit operation started [GRID]
2_gr_id => 2
2_c0 => 1981
2_c1 => HSD/HA12
2_c2 => DBA
2_c3 => (202) xxxxxxx
2_c4 =>
ids => 2

Row data [2]
gr_id => 2
0 => 1981
1 => HSD/HA12
2 => DBA
3 => (202) xxxxxxx
4 =>

Access control:  operation blocked

Edit operation finished
0 => action:error; sid:2; tid:2;

Done in 0.013713121414185ms

Dataprocessor Log:

 row 2 marked as updated
 Initiating data sending for
 Server url: datosaux.php?sp=19&u=1&editing=true


server response received <?xml version='1.0' ?>
Not a XML

There was a difference between dataprocessor included in dhtmlxgrid 2.1 and dhtmlxgrid 2.0. Older version may not include exact type of operation ( it was counted as updated operation if not info provided ) , started from 2.1 client side code always include such parameter in server side requests ( !nativeeditor_status ) , and code of connectors expects to find this value in received data.

In your case , the POST data contains values of updated row, but there is no action type and as result code processing blocked ( connector can’t recognize type of operation ) - it can appear only if old version of dhtmlxdataprocessor.js used.

Please be sure that old version of dhtmlxdataprocessor.js is not cached ( the client side log , provided above, points to old version of dataprocessor, it will look a bit different with new one )


Today, all work fine.
The problem:  old version of dhtmlxdataprocessor.js it was cached

Thanks a lot…
