Please help me to customize event

I’m a fan of dhtmlxScheduler. I’m new member.
Please help me to customize event and read API.

At every event on scheduler, i want show text with 2 lines? i trie to add
but don’t work.


Are you using code line the … ng_content

Also, if you need to show multiline text from a single text property , you can modify template as

scheduler.templates.event_text=function(start,end,event){ return "<pre>"+event.text+"</pre>"; }

In such case, it will render value of “text” property, preserving new lines.

Thank you for your support! I will try to do so.

I did but i work when i show calendar with day view/ week view; And it don’t work with month view.

I also edit template :

But i don’t work.

Should i do?

Please let me how to do.

Height of event text in month view is fixed. And while it can show two lines of text - it will not visible.

Try to add to the page

scheduler.xy.bar_height=40;//default is 20

.dhx_cal_event_line, .dhx_cal_event_clear{ height:33px; white-space:normal; }

Thanks so much.

It work well.