Pointer highlighting timeline tree


I tried to implement the pointer highlighting sample (docs.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/sample … reate.html) in my timeline tree scheduler, but it doesn’t work ok.

As you can see in the next screenshot, when I mouseOver the section (Y-Axis) the highlight appears (and it shouldn’t). And if I click the section to expand it, the lightbox appears.


Any idea about how to fix it?


You need to modify the code of custom mouse handler. scheduler.getActionData(native_event) can be used to get the id of current section, and based on it you need to call the markTimespan method ( have such call for sections where highlight is necesary and hide in other case )

Also, you can use something like next as first line of handler to skip highlight in timeline mode at all

if (scheduler.getState().mode == "timeline") return;

Ok, now I accomplished to only highlight the current section by adding this to the markTimestamp method:

sections: {timeline: [scheduler.getActionData(native_event).section]},

But how can I differentiate when I mouseOver a section header or the timeline spaces? I don’t want to hightlight the section headers:



If you have some property in the initial config, which separates rows and section, then you can use getSection API to get such section object and check the related property ( id for getSection can be taken from getActionData result )

Sorry Stanislav, I don’t understand that. How can I set a property to separate rows and sections? Can you give some simple example?


You can use

[code]var id = scheduler.getActionData(ev).section;
var section = scheduler.getSection(id);

if (section.children) return; //parent section, ignore it
//else place code to show highlight[/code]

If problem still occurs please provide a demo link or a sample.

It works like a charm! Thx again