Pop up styles are not loading

Hi Team,

I have included dhtmlx gantt component in our application. As per the documentation, i have to import styles from dhtmlx-gantt/codebase/dhtmlxgantt.css.

Due to our policy, I am expected to have styles in our code base. So, I copied all styles from the dhtmlxgantt.css to my local css file and referring it.

Only the basic version of gantt is working. Tooltips, pop up modals and alerts are not loading as expected. On debugging found that css is not present to render.

Can you guide me on where can I find the css code, so that i can include in my application explicitly?

Thank you,

Hello Himaja,
The styles for DHTMLX Gantt are located in the dhtmlxgantt.css file. If you load the page and see that the styles are not applied, it means that they are not loaded. If you added the styles to your file, you need to make sure that your file is loaded.

Here are the demos for Angular, React and Vue where the styles are loaded:

You can check how it is configured there and try to use the same approach in your application.
If that doesn’t help you, or you use a different framework, please send me a ready demo with all the necessary files so that I can reproduce the issue locally and find a way to include the styles.