But i want to have a popup when i click on an event and I’m in read-only mode, so the popup will have only the information without area to modify the event.
I want to show details from an event when i click on it.
If it’s possible i don’t want a form with read only mode but just a little popup with details. The little popup in the second link is pretty but i don’t see how we can enable it after import the ext/dhtmlxscheduler_quick_info.js .
The scheduler is fantastic ! It’s done thanks a lot for your help.
I have juste a litte question in conclusion, is it possible to put differents informations in the details (the location, and other things in the details and just the description of the event in the Units view ?
I’ve a xml files for input, and in the “text” area (in the xml file) i have the complete description of the event. I can parse this description and write the description in the units view, and the location for example in the popup.
(Sorry my english is terrible, tell me if you don’t understand).
you define the templates from your code, check the example in docs. It does not require modifying the sources. The changes will be applied to all events
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