possible to change the default detach event?

Hi, I am using dhtmlxgrid and integrating with an external html editor… I have run into an issue however, this.detach=function seems to be triggered when clicking outside, is there any way to set this to double clicking outside? - the editor i am using is closed when for example i press the bold button (since 1 press triggers detach).

I tried enableEditEvents(false,true,false); however this only affected what triggers the edit, not the closing of edit.

Any help would be appreciated



the editor i am using is closed when for example i press the bold button
You can attach onclick event to area, which holds buttons and stop onclick event as
<some onclick="arguments[0]||event.cancelBuble=true;"
as result event will never rich document, and will not be catch by grid.

>> is there any way to set this to double clicking outside
only by code modification
dhtmlxgrid.js , line 3148
dhtmlxEvent(document.body, “click”, function(){
if (self.editStop)

“click” can be replaced with “dblclick”