Print Chart

Dear all,

I am having a problem printing a chart placed in a div. Although the chart renders well on the screen, in the print preview mode it seems to overflow the div.

I am attaching two images. The first one is the screen display and the second the print preview.

Any suggestions ?

Chart initialisation :

var barChart1 = new dhtmlXChart({
    							view: "line",
   								container: document.getElementById(item),//"chartDiv",
    							value: "#A_Score#",
    							label: "#A_Score#",
    							//color: "#color#",
    							width: 10,
    							gradient: "rising",
    							radius: 0,
   								tooltip: {
        							template: "#Scale_Code#<br>#A_Score#"
   								xAxis: {
        							title: "",
        							template: "#Scale_Code#"         							
    							yAxis: {        							 
        							title: "A-Score"         							 
    							origin: 0
				barChart1.parse(data[item], "json");


Could you please provide a part of your static chart data to test chart with it?

A sample json ( mentioned as data[item] in my first post] is the following :


Thank you

We managed to create demo. Everything is correct at our side. But we can’t correct an error on your side because of the print settings of the browser you use. It depends only on the browser settings, and our components only draw data. This issue can arise because of the print settings or your application/page init features.