I use mygrid.printView() to create a printable version of the grid. The grid is here:
Click on the first link in the list below the grid to see the printable output.
The output of the first page is OK (without the link in the name). The output of the rest of the pages include the link.
Actually, the links are removed in every page I have already seen in the browser. So if I see pages 1, 2 and 3 and then click on the link to create the printable version, then the data of pages 1, 2 and 3 do not include the link and the rest include it.
What can I do to display all data without the link?
And how can I export to CSV using mygrid.serializeToCSVWithDelim(’\t’), but to give me the output in a new page, exactly as mygrid.printView() does?