Printing the Scheduler


I have been using the Scheduler (version 2.0) with great results so far. What is the best way to arrange printing of the Scheduler in month / week / day view? Do I need to adjust the CSS?



Just be sure that dhtmlxscheduler css was included on page without media attribute

<link rel=“stylesheet” href="…/…/codebase/dhtmlxscheduler.css" type=“text/css” media=“screen” << this will cause a problem during printing

Unfortunately there is no way to directly control the way , how html page printed.
We have plans to add export-to-pdf support , to allow the guaranteed good printing.

Removeing the attribute media=“screen” helped (duh!  I should have thought of that) so now the schedulers print in standard portrait mode.  For some reason when I change the view to landscape, none of the events appear on the scheduler when printing.  I know that you said there was no way to control for sure the printing … but I am comfortable editing the CSS and Javascript code so any pointers you can provide would be appreciated.  Thanks!