printView customization

We are using printView to generate a printable version of the table. However we need to include some additional information on the printable version, like the name of the table, etc. Is it possible to include extra html the print view?

In current version - there is no API for such functionality but you can place any custom HTML inside
    dhtmlxgrid_nxml.js , printView method, line 391

var html="…

You can add any custom HTML code in this var

Thanks.  Would you consider modifying the printView method to include two additional optional parameters, which would specify html that is inserted before and after the table html?  This would allow great customization without having to modify the dhtmlx sources.

We plan to extend functionality in next version to make it more configurable.

>>This would allow great customization without having to modify the dhtmlx sources.
Please use attached js file instead of original one
With it you can call printView as
    grid.printView(some_html_before_table,some_html_after_table); (4.63 KB)