Problem in a Calendar column


I’ve updated my grid to v4 but I’m having issues with a calendar field.

I have the same column type, dhxCalendarA, and I’ve included the following files:

//Javascript Files

CSS Files:

When I click on the cell with the calendar, it popups the calendar but without some images, for example (‘…/imgs/dhtmlxcalendar_dhx_skyblue/bg_main.png’) which is not present in the imgs folder.

And before, I had only the first css (the one from the skin) and I didn’t get the popup, every calendar field appeared on a div at the bottom of the page…

Did the location changed on this v4? I’m using ruby on rails if it helps.

I’ve attached an image to make it clearer

I had to fix the paths of the files, but everything is working now. But I had to copy some of the images from v3 (background).

It’s now working