Problem loading filtered data based on user input- dtmlxGrid

I am kind of learning dhtml and have some basic question…Attached is a piece of code from my jsp.

Basically this call is made when i drill down on the dhtml grid. (which makes a controller call)
mygrid.kidsXmlFile="<portlet:resourceURL id=‘METRIC_DATA’/>";

Is there a way i can make a dynamic call to the controller so i can filter data. My question is how can i make the kidsXmlFile dynamic based on what the user has selected in the dropdown(zCombo)? basically how do i pass whats selected into the further kidsXmlFile calls.

See code

<%@page import="com.bac.itsc.util.StringUtil"%> <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="portlet"%> <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri=""%> <% String ctx = request.getContextPath(); boolean showHI = false; if(!StringUtil.isNullOREmpty((String)request.getAttribute("showHI"))){ showHI = true; } %> .< portlet:namespace />_hover { background-color: #f2f8ff; font-weight: bold; }

portlet:namespace />_heading {
font-family: Tahoma;
font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;

portlet:namespace />_comm {
font-family: Tahoma;
font-size: 12px;

portlet:namespace />_but {
font-family: Tahoma;
font-size: 10px;
text-valign: top;
height: 25px;

p .<portlet:namespace />_commp {
font-family: Tahoma;
font-size: 12px;
width: 450px;
word-wrap: normal;

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You may try to use the onDynXLS event.

mygrid.attachEvent("onDynXLS",function(id){ mygrid.load("child.xml?id="+id,"json"); //load data to the row return false // block default behavior })

Thanks for the quick reply sematic.

Currently by virtue of doing this:
mygrid.kidsXmlFile="<portlet:resourceURL id=‘METRIC_DATA’/>";

Everytime i expand the grid a call is made to the above specific resource mapping in my controller with the specific Id.

Its good to see an other way of doign this. However my issue is how do i pass a user selection on this page to these calls. To be more specific, in the attached code is there a way to pass a user selection in the dropdown(zCombo) or should i rework this to be able to pass on each “onDynXLS” event? I am assuming this event is fired whenever the + sign on the grid is clicked. correct me if i am wrong. and what does “json” mean in this ?

is there a way to pass a user selection in the dropdown(zCombo)
Please, try to use
methods: … lectedtext … ectedvalue

and what does “json” mean in this ?
I apologize. that was a mistake:

mygrid.attachEvent("onDynXLS",function(id){ var val=zcombo.getSelectedValue() mygrid.load("child.xml?id="+id); //load data to the row return false // block default behavior })