I’d like to bring to your attention that on drag action or double click on the grid the markTimespan is deleted.
I’m using version scheduler_5.3.9_enterprise; I think i found the code region where the error occurs in the file dhtmlxscheduler_timeline.js line 76
if (i += r + "</div></div>", i += o + "</div></div>", i += "</div>", this._matrix = _, t.innerHTML = i, p) {
e.$container.querySelector(".dhx_timeline_data_col").style.height = v + "px"
I tried to reproduce the issue in our snippet tool, but the marked timespan worked correctly and didn’t disappear after grid click: http://snippet.dhtmlx.com/5/6b44a9e7d
The issue could be connected with specific aurelia features. Unfortunately, I do not specialize in this framework, so could you please provide me a simplified demo with all the necessary files and “run instructions”, which I will be able to run locally and reproduce the issue?
Kind regards,
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