Problem markTimespan in Timeline

I’d like to bring to your attention that on drag action or double click on the grid the markTimespan is deleted.
I’m using version scheduler_5.3.9_enterprise; I think i found the code region where the error occurs in the file dhtmlxscheduler_timeline.js line 76

                if (i += r + "</div></div>", i += o + "</div></div>", i += "</div>", this._matrix = _, t.innerHTML = i, p) {
                    e.$container.querySelector(".dhx_timeline_data_col").style.height = v + "px"
import { autoinject, transient } from 'aurelia-framework';
import { setTimeout } from 'timers';
import 'dhtmlx-scheduler/dhtmlxscheduler_material.css';
import 'dhtmlx-scheduler/dhtmlxscheduler';
import 'dhtmlx-scheduler/ext/dhtmlxscheduler_limit';
import 'dhtmlx-scheduler/ext/dhtmlxscheduler_timeline';
import "agenda/elements/scheduler/scheduler-dhtmlx/scheduler-dhtmlx.css";

export class SchedulerDHTMLXCustomElement {

  private element: HTMLElement;
  private scheduler: SchedulerStatic;

 attached() {
    setTimeout(() => this.init(), 0);

  init() {
    this.scheduler = Scheduler.getSchedulerInstance();
      name: "TimelineDay",
      x_unit: "minute",
      x_date: "%H:%i",
      x_step: 30,
      x_size: 24,
      x_start: 16,
      x_length: 48,
      y_unit: [
        { key: 1, label: "Section A" },
        { key: '2f5e2756-17b6-4719-9449-77740670e14b', label: "John Williams" },
        { key: 4, label: "Section D" }
      y_property: "section_id",
      render: "bar"
    this.scheduler.setCurrentView(new Date(), "TimelineDay");

    let timeSpans = this.TimeSpans();
    timeSpans.forEach(item => this.scheduler.markTimespan(item));

  TimeSpans(): Array<any> {
    return [
      { "days": 3, "sections": { "TimelineDay": 4 }, "zones": [360, 480, 750, 840, 1050, 1080], "invert_zones": false,         "css": "gray_section orario1", "type": "vincolo", "subtype": "orario_lavoro" },
      { "days": 3, "sections": { "TimelineDay": 1 }, "zones": "fullday", "invert_zones": false, "css": "gray_section orario1", "type": "vincolo", "subtype": "non_segnalato" },


I almost forgot, i use aurelia framework.

Hello @Daniele_Rosada ,

I tried to reproduce the issue in our snippet tool, but the marked timespan worked correctly and didn’t disappear after grid click:

The issue could be connected with specific aurelia features. Unfortunately, I do not specialize in this framework, so could you please provide me a simplified demo with all the necessary files and “run instructions”, which I will be able to run locally and reproduce the issue?

Kind regards,