Problem setting Sensitive

I have tried to setting the sensitive zone of a calendar from the click of an other calendar, but unsuccesfully . The destination calendar result all insensitive.
My code is:

I have tried also with

But the result is the same: all the a_data_cal calendar are all insensitive.

Can help me?




setSensitive method requires Date objets as the parameters. For example:

var dateFrom = new Date();

Thank you.
Go all fine.
timepicker also is running .

I have an other problem: i am trying to link a input field to a calendar but the calendar must show only if a click on a icon and not clicking on the field.
It is possible?

Thank Paolo

i am trying to link a input field to a calendar but the calendar must show only if a click on a icon and not clicking on the field.

Input initialization can not be used in this case.

You mat try to hide/show calendar as it is shown in the sample … _show.html

and put the chosen date on calendar click: … ormat.html