Problem with clearConfigCookie

I’ve a problem with this function. After this function is necessary to reload (clearAndLoad) the grid but in the same session nothing happens.
As well the cookie is correctly reset because if close the web-application and reopen it the grid has shown with all default parameters,
have i to use other commands beetwen clearConfigCookie and clearAndLoad ?

Thanks to everybody

anybody can help me ???

After the cookies clearing it is not enough to reload the data. You should re-initialize your grid

ok but in this way is ti necessary reattach all the event of the grid and eventual binding with dataprocessor and form ?

Yes, you need to reattach all the events and bind a dataprocessor in this case.

if you clear the saved cookies it means the next time you initialize the grid its config won’t be loaded from cookies.
This action has no any attitude to the currently rendered grid.

Could you please, clarify what result do you expect to get?