Problem with deleting a column


I’m having a problem while deleting the column from the grid. When i delete the column from the grid the column gets deleted but the shifted column gets the values of the header and the footer but the rows of the cells remains blank,

I’m using v 1.6 build 80512

Refer the below shown format,

The below shown is the format of the grid

| a | b | c | --> Header

| 1 | 2 | 3 |

| 4 | 5 | 6 |

| 7 | 8 | 9 |

| A | B | C | --> Footer

After deleting the column ‘b’ of the grid the grid looks with the contents of column ‘c’ as blank

| a | c | --> Header

| 1 | |

| 4 | |

| 7 | |

| A | C | --> Footer

Below is the snippet of code that i’m making use of to display the grid. The column will be displayed within the loop which contains the number of columns to be displayed. Similarly with rows.

Response.Write “<script type=”“text/javascript”">"

Response.Write “var sXML=’<?xml version=\""1.0\"" encoding=\""UTF-8\""?>”



For i=1 to Count

Response.Write “<column width=”“100"” type=""" & sFieldType & “”" align="“left”" color="“white”" sort="“na”">" & _

“<![CDATA[" & sFieldName & ""
Response.write "]]>”

sTemp = Replace(sData, “,”, “\,”)

sTemp = sAData & sTemp

sTotal = sTotal & “, " & sTemp


Response.Write “”

Response.Write “px”

Response.Write “”

Response.Write “”

Response.Write “<call command=”“setSkin””>gray"

Response.Write “”

Response.Write “”

Response.Write “” & sReportStyle &""

Response.Write “”

End If

Response.Write “”

Response.Write “”

for i=1 to count

Response.write “<![CDATA["
sData = "<a title=""" & sTitle & _
""" href='javascript: Function2(""NULL"");'>NULL" & vbCrLf
sTmp = Replace(sTmp, "&", "&")
sTmp = Replace(sTmp, "<", "<")
sTmp = Replace(sTmp, ">", ">")
sTmp = Replace(sTmp, "'", "'")
sMsg =Replace(sMsg," "," ")
sTitle =Replace(sTitle," "," ")

Response.Write "" & sTmp & " "
Response.Write "]]>”

Response.Write “<cell style=”“text-align:right”"><![CDATA["
Response.Write " "& sTmp & "]]>"

Response.Write “”

Response.Write “’;”

Response.Write “” & vbCrLf

Please suggest the solution for the problem. I’m unable to find the solution.

Please contact us directly at and provide your ref. number - we will send you a latest version of related extension, which must resolve your problem.


Thanks for the help.

Can you tell us which file gets affected and in which build the modified file will be added?

Currently i’m using v 1.6 build 80512.

The related updates affected dhtmlxgrid_mcol.js ( this file store all logic related to dynamical column adding | deleting )


Can i know whether this change will be a part of the next build?

If yes, when can we expect the next version or build ?

The changes will be included in next update, which planned to be released in next few weeks