Problem with dhtmlxVault with perl

Hi everybody!

I had downloaded the dhtmlx Vault 1.6 and I want to use it with the perl script!

I’m having some problems with my script always I have ‘ERROR’ when I want to upload a file.

All the permissions are OK and I don’t understand where I’ve made an error.
Well if anybody can help me, thanks by advance.
I’m posting all I’ve about this problem and I’m waiting your eventually answer.

My Hierarchy and configuration

In the path var/www I’ve :
One directory named cgi-bin, one directory named codebase.
Always in the path I’ve index.html
In the directory cgi-bin I’ve :

In the directory codebase I’ve :
-The img’s directory

For the permission it’s ok and for the cgi-bin’place in my apache configuration is ok too…

Well on the GetIdHandler.cgi I’ve changed :
The shebang line with my path of Perl

On the GetInfoHandler.cgi I’ve changed :
The shebang line
$settingsfile = “$docroot/cgi-bin/”;

On the UploadHandler.cgi I’ve changed :
The shebang line
$settingsfile = “$docroot/cgi-bin/”;

On the I’ve changed :

Ok I give you all the informations that I’ve. Please Help me I have this problem since 3 days!!!

Try to access GetIdHandler.cgi form the browser, then UploadHandler.cgi
If there are some errors, try to add some debug prints.

Hi Fedor Thanks for your reply!

In fact when I want to try to enter in the cgi-bin folder from my browser I cannot!!

But WHY ? all the permissions are permitted!

You should also tweak apache config i believe.