Problem with Excel ConvertService

Hello Support-Team,

ConvertService operates normally, the Excel file is also correct.
However, each time an error file is created and when opening the Excel file, we get the message that this is a wrong/unknown format. But after opening the excel-file all seems okay.

PDF-Print works fine.

Here’s our code, perhaps you have an idea what’s the problem is…

Grazie Hopsy

$grid->useModel(new MOBDATModel($myParam));
if ($_GET['print']=='excel') {
  $convert = new ConvertService("dhtmlxGrid/grid2excel_02/server/generate.php");
  $convert->excel("myExcel.xls", true);
if($_GET['print']=='pdf') {
  $convert = new ConvertService("dhtmlxGrid/grid2pdf_02/server/generate.php");
  $convert->pdf("myPdf.pdf", true);
if ($Session->isDebug()=='on') { 
// error_report_2014_05_19__07_30_47.xml
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<rows profile="color">
        <column type="ro" width="100" id="LA" align="left" sort="str">Lohnart</column>
        <column type="ro" width="100" id="ANZ" align="left" sort="str">Menge</column>
        <column type="ro" width="100" id="SATZ" align="left" sort="str">Satz</column>
        <column type="ro" width="100" id="WCRE" align="left" sort="str">Anleger</column>
        <column type="ro" width="100" id="XCRE" align="left" sort="str">Datum</column>
    <row id="51">

Can you provide the example of the file that shows the error message?

The code looks fine, by the way.