Problem with french characters


I’m trying to populate a grid from a mysql table and some fields contain french characters like “à, é, è”.
Under firefox, the grid is not loaded and under chrome is loaded with other special characters.

Here’s the php code to load the grid (“getflux.php”):

       $grid = new GridConnector($res,"MYSQL");
       $grid->render_sql("call getflux();", "id_flux", "id_flux,nom,objet,client,projet,moteur,appli_source,appli_cible,transport_source,transport_cible,

Here’s what I get under firefox (url/php/getflux.php) :

and under chrome :

How can I manage this problem ?


I’ve found the answer.
I have to add in my php code



In fact it’ not resolved.

I have a php script to populate the grid.
When I dooble click on a row, the program open a window with a form which is populate through a another script.
I have added the same line in the 2 scripts : set_encoding(“iso-8859-1”);

The grid is correctly populate, no problem with accent but when I load the form to update information the french characters are changed.

script to populate the grid

<?php require("../codebase/grid_connector.php"); $res=mysql_connect("localhost","root","******"); mysql_select_db("gestflux"); $grid = new GridConnector($res,"MYSQL"); $grid->set_encoding("iso-8859-1"); $grid->enable_log("/var/www/gestflux/php/log_getflux.txt"); $grid->render_sql("call getflux();", "id_flux", "id_flux,nom,..............,dat_maj,"); ?>

script to populate the form


<?php require("../codebase/form_connector.php"); $res=mysql_connect("localhost","root","Gifted_Bleach35"); mysql_select_db("gestflux"); $form = new FormConnector($res,"MySQL"); $form->set_encoding("iso-8859-1"); $form->enable_log("/var/www/gestflux/php/log_loadflux.txt"); $form->render_table("flux_actif", "id_flux", "id_flux,nom,..........,date_maj"); ?>[/code]