Problem with GridToExcel - Timeformat


I have samble grid with a nummeric and a timefield

10 8:00:00
12 9:12:12

The header is defined as


On screen everything is fine. If I export it to EXCEL (using GridToExcel) the nummeric column is in EXCEL also nummeric and you can calculate with it. But the time column is in EXCEL a text column and you are not able to calculate with the value.

Do to so you need to save it as text and reopen it in EXCEL.

How to solve this???


the time column is in EXCEL a text column and you are not able to calculate with the value.
This is the expected behavior. you are using the “ro” column. it is a text string.

Ok - it´s clear but how to solve “ron” corrupts the value and “rotime” is not available.

And recalculate to send time as seconds since nightnight is not very user friendly (for the user who generates the EXCEL).