Problem with master checkbox when split


I have a grid with a master checkbox in the first column. At there is a solution to manipulate the master checkbox with DOM. The line of code I use for that purpose is the following:

routeGrid.hdr.rows[1].cells[0].getElementsByTagName(“INPUT”)[0].checked = true;

Everything works great at this point, but when I use the splitAt() function for the first 2 columns I can’t access the master checkbox correctly. I was looking the code generated by the library and there are two tables, so I don’t know how to access the first one to easy manipulate the master checkbox.

Any help would be really appreciated.


Try to use following code:
routeGrid._fake.hdr.rows[1].cells[0].getElementsByTagName(“INPUT”)[0].checked = true;

Also you cay change code of master_checkbox and add any id to this input. In dhtmlxgrid_filter.js file:
t.innerHTML=c[0]+"<input type=‘checkbox’ id=‘master_checkbox_id’ />"+c[1];

It works!

Thank you.
