Problem with rounded calculated cells

Help !

Since, we updated to v3.5 (dhtmlxSuite_v35_pro_120822), we have a big issue with dhtmlxgrid.

Here is the code :
myGrid = ticketdet.attachGrid(); myGrid .setImagePath("../includes/js/dx/imgs/"); myGrid.setHeader("#, Ref, Label;, Qty, Gross Price, %discount, Net Price, Net Total,VAT"); myGrid.setInitWidths("20,80,*,40,70, 50, 70, 70, 50"); myGrid.setColAlign("center,left,left,center,right,right,right,right"); myGrid.setColTypes("ro,ro,ed,edn,edn,edn,ron[=c4-(c4*c5/100)],ron[=c6*c3],ro"); myGrid.setNumberFormat("0,000.00 €",4,","," "); myGrid.setNumberFormat("0,000.00 %",5,","," "); myGrid.setNumberFormat("0,000.00 €",6,","," "); myGrid.setNumberFormat("0,000.00 €",7,","," "); myGrid.enableSmartRendering(true); myGrid.enableMultiselect(true); myGrid.attachFooter("Total Price :,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,<div id='totalticket'>0<span>€</span></div>,#cspan"); myGrid.attachFooter("Product Quantities :,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan, {#stat_count},#cspan"); myGrid.load("class/myfile.php?action=reload", calcFooterValues, "xml"); myGrid.init();

The Problem is on the 7th column.
If for example, the value on the 6th column is “7.99 €” and the 3rd column’s value is “1”, after calculating, the result displayed is “7.00 €”

If we downgrade to v3.0, this problem doesn’t occur. (but we lose features like jsMessage)

I really don’t understand why…

Please help me !

Your issue is confirmed.
We’ll provide you a fix when it will be ready.

Please open a ticket at the support system if you need the fix ASAP