Problem with select_filter if a column is combo type

#select_filter in header for column where values are from xml
(integer value for this column) but addetional I have combo in row,
costructed on this way:

<? $supplierSQL = "select id,name from supplier where is_deleted='N' order by name"; $resSup = $exec->getRowList($supplierSQL); for($c=0;$c

mygrid.getCombo(10).put(’<?=$resSup[$c][id]?>’, ‘<?=$resSup[$c][name]?>’);

<? } } ?>

All is display correctly, but if I select in the filter “String” ( in
database ID=1)
then I see also rows with ID=11,12,13,14,…etc

and I need see only ID=1

Thanks a lot for any help

Change filter type to