Installing ver 3.5 has resulted in serious problem with recurring events in my application. I have since reverted back to my old codebase to get things working again.
Here are the issues when running 3.5.
When try to edit a recurring event get javascript error: dhtmlx.modalbox is not a function
Also my log file reports numerous errors:
Undefined property: SchedulerDataItem: $userdata at www/codebase/connector/scheduler_connector.php line 25
This is repeated numerous times in the log.txt file
I notice modalbox does not exist in the ver 3.0 dhtmlxscheduler.js or dhtmlxscheduler_recurring.js scripts so this is new functionality does not seem to work with my app. Please help.
If you are using other dhtmlx component on the page - be sure that you are loading dhtmlxscheduler on the page after them.
modalbox is a part of js-message lib, which is included in dhtmlxscheduler.js, but if you are using old version of dhtmlx.js or dhtmlxcommon.js - it will overwrite globals, and will cause the above error.
I have dhtmlxcommon.js, dhtmlwindows.js, and dhtmlcontainer.js on my page which were loading after scheduler. I have now moved them to load before scheduler
In Firefox I no longer get any javascript errors however the editor window does not open.
In Internet Explorer I get the option to select the series for editing but not in a pop window but at the bottom of the page. When I select an option the editor window opens.
So it sounds like I still have some conflict with the Series dialog box opening. I tried removing the dhtmlxcommon.js dhtmlxwindows.js and dhtmlcontainer.js from the page but this made no difference.
I thought I’d post a reply here to sameeparora because I resolved a similar issue with my install on Meteor. The package needs to be installed for the modalbox function to work. You can install it with the command: meteor add mrt:dhtmlx-message