I am changing the date of a task programatically like so
selectedTask.start_date = this.gantt.date.add(selectedTask.start_date, 1, 'day');
THe problem is it doesn’t ignore weekend. If it’s Friday it moves to Saturday.
I have used this config
gantt.config.work_time = true; // removes non-working time from calculations
gantt.config.skip_off_time = true; // hides non-working time in the chart
but it does not remove the work time from calculations.
I’m using the latest pro version.
Here is a sample.
In the sample move task 2 until task 1 hits the weekend.
When I set task 1 to either Monday or Friday if it lands on the weekend, the slack time between tasks is increased. This is not what I want. I’m programatically moving it like this because the requirements don’t allow me to have links and allow the default multi-drag duration functionality.
Here is my full implementation of gantt multiple drag and drop.
class GanttDragAndDrop {
constructor() {
this.PermissionUtils = new PermissionUtils();
this.taskManager = new TaskManager();
this.gantt = null;
this.context = null;
this.selectedTasks = [];
this.originalDraggedTask = null;
this.isDragging = false;
init(_context, _gantt) {
this.context = _context;
this.gantt = _gantt;
onBeforeRowDragEnd() {
this.gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeRowDragEnd", function (id, mode, e) {
let task = this.gantt.getTask(id);
if (!this.PermissionUtils.hasPermission(this.PermissionUtils.ganttEditPermision))
return false;
if (task.type === this.gantt.config.types.productline || task.type === this.gantt.config.types.program)
return false;
return true;
onRowDragStart() {
gantt.attachEvent("onRowDragStart", function (id, target, e) {
//any custom logic here
return true;
onBeforeTaskDrag() {
this.gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeTaskDrag", function (id, mode, e) {
if (!this.gantt.isSelectedTask(id))
return false;
if (!this.PermissionUtils.UserIsAffiliate())
return false;
let t = gantt.getTask(id);
this.originalDraggedTask = {
startDate: t.start_date,
endDate: t.end_date,
id: t.id,
activityId: t.activityId
let tasks = this.gantt.getSelectedTasks();
for (let i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
let task = gantt.getTask(tasks[i]);
if (this.selectedTasks.findIndex(x => x.id.toString() === tasks[i]) === -1)
startDate: task.start_date,
endDate: task.end_date,
id: task.id,
activityId: task.activityId
return true;
onTaskDrag() {
this.gantt.attachEvent("onTaskDrag", function (id, mode, task, original) {
if (!this.PermissionUtils.hasPermission(this.PermissionUtils.ganttEditPermision))
return false;
return true;
onAfterTaskDrag() {
this.gantt.attachEvent("onAfterTaskDrag", function (id, mode, e) {
let task = gantt.getTask(id);
let dragged_task = gantt.getTask(id);
var modes = this.gantt.config.drag_mode;
if (mode === modes.resize) {
task.start_date = task.start_date;
task.end_date = task.end_date;
if (task.type === gantt.config.types.task && (task.start_date.getTime() >= task.end_date.getTime()))
task.end_date = this.gantt.date.add(task.start_date, 1, 'day');
if (mode === modes.move) {
//difference in minutes
let unit = 'minute';
var diff = Math.round(Math.abs((dragged_task.start_date - this.originalDraggedTask.startDate) / 1000 / 60));
if (task.start_date < this.originalDraggedTask.startDate)
diff = diff * -1;
if (diff !== 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.selectedTasks.length; i++) {
if (this.selectedTasks[i].id.toString() !== id) {
let selectedTask = gantt.getTask(this.selectedTasks[i].id);
var oldDuration = gantt.calculateDuration(this.selectedTasks[i].startDate, this.selectedTasks[i].endDate);
selectedTask.start_date = this.gantt.date.add(selectedTask.start_date, diff, unit);
if (selectedTask.start_date.getDay() === 6) //saturday
selectedTask.start_date = this.gantt.date.add(selectedTask.start_date, 2, 'day');
else if (selectedTask.start_date.getDay() === 0) //sunday
selectedTask.start_date = this.gantt.date.add(selectedTask.start_date, 1, 'day');
selectedTask.end_date = this.gantt.calculateEndDate(selectedTask.start_date, oldDuration);
var newDuration = gantt.calculateDuration(selectedTask.start_date, selectedTask.end_date);
// be careful about how the gantt calculates the end date
// sometimes it's off by 1
while ((oldDuration < newDuration)) {
selectedTask.end_date = this.gantt.date.add(selectedTask.end_date, -1, 'day');
newDuration = gantt.calculateDuration(selectedTask.start_date, selectedTask.end_date);
while ((oldDuration > newDuration)) {
selectedTask.end_date = this.gantt.date.add(selectedTask.end_date, 1, 'day');
newDuration = gantt.calculateDuration(selectedTask.start_date, selectedTask.end_date);
this.selectedTasks = [];
let activities = [];
var tasks = this.gantt.getSelectedTasks();
for (let i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
let t = gantt.getTask(tasks[i]);
if (t.end_date.getTime() < t.start_date.getTime())
t.end_date = t.start_date;
if (activities.length > 0 && !this.isDragging) {
this.isDragging = true;
Ajax.ajaxRequest(null, "/Activity/UpdateActivityBatch", activities, null, null, null, this.updateAfterDrag.bind(this));
updateAfterDrag() {
this.isDragging = false;
weekendDuration(myDate) {
if (myDate.getDay() === 6)
return 1
else if (myDate.getDay() === 0)
return 2;
else 0;
onBeforeTaskMove() {
gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeTaskMove", this.moveTask.bind(this));
moveTask(id, parent) {
var task = this.gantt.getTask(id);
let p = this.gantt.getTask(parent);
//if (p.type === this.gantt.config.types.milestone || p.type === this.gantt.config.types.task) {
// if ((task.parent !== p.parent))
// return false;
if (task.parent !== parent)
return false;
return true;
//drag and drop anywhere
//var parentTask = gantt.getTask(parent);
//var task = gantt.getTask(id);
//if (task.parent !== parent) {
// if (parentTask.type === gantt.config.types.subproject && (task.type === gantt.config.types.task || task.type === gantt.config.types.milestone)) {
// if (parentTask.subProjectId === null) {
// if (this.showErrorMessage) {
// gantt.message({ type: "error", text: "You must save before dragging this task to a newly created Sub Project.", expire: 4000 });
// this.showErrorMessage = false;
// }
// return false;
// }
// task.parent = parent;
// task.projectId = parentTask.projectId;
// task.subProjectId = parentTask.subProjectId;
// if (parentTask.type === gantt.config.types.subproject)
// task.parentId = parentTask.subProjectId;
// }
// else if ((task.type === gantt.config.types.subproject) && (parentTask.type === gantt.config.types.subproject || parentTask.type === gantt.config.types.project)) {
// if (parentTask.subProjectId === null || parentTask.projectId === null) {
// if (this.showErrorMessage) {
// gantt.message({ type: "error", text: "You must save before dragging this Sub Project to a newly created Project or SubProject.", expire: 4000 });
// this.showErrorMessage = false;
// }
// return false;
// }
// task.projectId = parentTask.projectId;
// task.parent = parent;
// if (parentTask.type === gantt.config.types.project) {
// task.parentId = null;
// }
// }
// else
// return false;
//return true;
onRowDragEnd() {
this.gantt.attachEvent("onRowDragEnd", function (id, target) {
this.context.showErrorMessage = true;