So the way I have handled onClick for a toolbar is to attach a single event, but using select/case run specific code for each id that is passed. Is there a way to run the onClick event and pass the button id from another function? I was looking at this: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=25023&p=79435&hilit=callEvent#p79435 , but so far I haven’t been able to modify it so that it works for onClick.
Can you describe more in detail what do you need (step by step)?
Basically, I want to call the onClick function of a toolbar from another function.
Made you a demo based on that linked approach.
There are some functions, which calls events.
tlb_onclick.rar (54.4 KB)
Thanks, I was able to get that far, but when I add a regular button object with the following code and the onClick event handler to it, how can I call that from another function?
[code]toolbar.addButton(“print”, 1, “Print”, “print.gif”, “print_dis.gif”);
toolbar.attachEvent(“onClick”, function(id){
switch (id){
case “print”:
alert(id + “clicked”)
you you need programmaticaly call click button (i.e. emulate user action)
// add once
dhtmlXToolbarObject.prototype.clickButton = function(id,state) {
if (typeof(state) !== "boolean") state = true;
if (!state) this.callMyEvent(this.objPull[this.idPrefix+id].obj, "click");
this.callMyEvent(this.objPull[this.idPrefix+id].obj, state?"mouseover":"mouseup");
this.callMyEvent(this.objPull[this.idPrefix+id].obj, state?"mousedown":"mouseout");
var t = this;
window.setTimeout(function(){t.clickButton(id,false);t=null;},200); // change this to keep button highlighted
dhtmlXToolbarObject.prototype.callMyEvent = function(obj, name) {
if (document.createEvent) {
var e = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
e.initEvent(name, true, false);
} else if (document.createEventObject) {
var e = document.createEventObject();
e.button = 1;
obj.fireEvent("on"+name, e);
// to call click
if you just need to run click-callback,
toolbar.callEvent("onClick", [id]);
Hi Andrei
I used the emulate user action.
This function runs correctly on my toolbar but I have problems in the toolbar to add a button select and I can’t select an option opens and closes the window this is due to this line of code (window.setTimeout).
I modify and I have error:
dhtmlXToolbarObject.prototype.clickButton = function(id,state) {
if (typeof(state) !== "boolean") state = true;
if (!state) this.callMyEvent(this.objPull[this.idPrefix+id].obj, "click");
this.callMyEvent(this.objPull[this.idPrefix+id].obj, state?"mouseover":"mouseup");
this.callMyEvent(this.objPull[this.idPrefix+id].obj, state?"mousedown":"mouseout");
var t = this;
function ExeClickButton(){
How I can resolve this problem
This function runs correctly on my toolbar but I have problems in the toolbar to add a button select and I can’t select an option opens and closes the window this is due to this line of code (window.setTimeout).