Project start and end independant of child tasks


Is it possible to make a Project start and end date not update with their child tasks?

While reading this: Task Types Gantt Docs

I assume that it is not possible, except if the parent task type is TASK and not PROJECT.

Is that the case? If yes, how would we go to prevent a task with children to automatically become a project?

Thank you again, for your time :slight_smile:

Hello Karl,
Right now, there is no way to set custom dates to the project tasks. The dev team will add that feature in the future, but I cannot give you any ETA.
For now, you need to use the task type to set custom dates.

By default, the tasks that have children don’t automatically become projects:

That functionality works only when the auto_types config is enabled:

Hello Karl,
The dev team added the feature that allows adding custom dates to the project tasks:

You can see how it works in the following sample: