I’ve set property drag_create to true
scheduler.config.drag_create = true;
But it’s not working. Drag Move and Resize are working ok, but not drag create.
I’ve set property drag_create to true
scheduler.config.drag_create = true;
But it’s not working. Drag Move and Resize are working ok, but not drag create.
Please provide any kind of sample where issue can be checked.
All drag behaviors are enabled by default, by the way.
It’s very long:
Server side:
[code] public ActionResult Index()
DHXScheduler sched = new DHXScheduler(this);
Agenda agenda = new Agenda(db,ConsultaURL);
sched.LoadData = true;
sched.EnableDataprocessor = true;
var box = sched.Lightbox.SetExternalLightboxForm("_Form", 500, 150);
box.ClassName = "custom_lightbox";
sched.Highlighter.Enable("highlight_section", 15);
var unit = new UnitsView("unit", "IdUsuario");
unit.AddOptions(agenda.LstDoctores);//parse model objects
unit.Label = "Día 4 doc.";
sched.Views.Add(new WorkWeekView() { Label = "Sem. 1 doc." });
sched.InitialView = "workweek";
agenda.ViewMode = "workweek";
AgendaVM agendaVM = new AgendaVM() { Sched = sched, lstDoctors = agenda.LstDoctores
return View(agendaVM);
Client Side:
[code]function configure() {
var step = 15;
var format = scheduler.date.date_to_str("%H:%i");
scheduler.templates.hour_scale = function (date) {
html = "";
for (var i = 0; i < 60 / step; i++) {
html += "<div class='cabeceraHoras'>" + format(date) + "</div>";
date = scheduler.date.add(date, step, "minute");
return html;
scheduler.InitialDate = new Date();
//Rango horario
//scheduler.config.first_hour = 10;
//scheduler.config.last_hour = 21;
//Tramo cita/hora 15 min.
scheduler.config.hour_size_px = (42 * 4);
scheduler.config.event_duration = 15;
scheduler.config.separate_short_events = true;
scheduler.xy.nav_height = 0;
scheduler.config.drag_create = true;
toolBar = new classToolbar("workweek", new Date());
I’ve checked drag & drop create not work if I set any of those properties
sched.Highlighter.Enable("highlight_section", 15);
If I comment this lines. It works.
There is a problem with lightbox solved in this update:
s3.amazonaws.com/uploads.hipcha … 130930.zip
And also, it doesn’t works if you edit locale file and set new_event text to void. Like this:
I did it because I don’t want the text “new event” by default. So I had to change it by spacebar, like this:
new_event:" "