in this case you’ll need to define a client-side template (i.e. in JavaScript). You have to load list of jobs to the page (you can use a custom ajax request for this), and inside a template you select the appropriate title from a list of jobs scheduler-net.com/docs/templatet … event_text
I don’t want to write JavaScript though I want to be able to do it via C# MVC. Can I not load these items in ContentResult Data() using Linq to SQL?
Just to explain my use-case… I have people and projects and I want to create recurring events for people which act as timesheets against projects… however projects have custom fields that need to be pulled into the lightbox.
For example if I do this, I can access Job Name with Linq - how do I then assign this in the view - like this for example in my public ActionResult Index()…
I have UserSchedules table that contains events and Job table that contains projects.
[code]public ContentResult Data()
int userId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString[“userid”]);
var events = from e in _context.UserSchedules
join jobs in _context.Jobs
on e.JobId equals jobs.Id
where e.UserId == userId
select e;
var jobtitle = events.Select(x => x.Job.Name).ToString();
return (new SchedulerAjaxData(events));
Can I do something like
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