I recently installed the dhtmlxScheduler to my localhost - Wordpress … The problems I encountered are:
Double clicking on a day pop’s up a lightbox where user can write data. It only works on my Chrome browser. All others like Firefox and IE8 does not.
When I place a note from the popup lightbox and save, the information reflect on the scheduler as well as gets recorded on my MySql database. The problem is when I leave the page and come back to it. Looking at the database, the data entry I made earlier is still there but the entry on the scheduler (front-end) vanishes.
Any help to resolve these bugs please?

As an addition: the attachment I included here shows that the plugin’s setup keeps on its preload state and does not allow me to edit. Why is this the case?
Similar issues with admin part was reported for older version of plugin and must not occur in the latest one, anyway if problem still occurs - try to use non-IE browser.
As for problems with client side scheduler - can you provide any kind of link where issue can be checked. Absense of new data means that
a) data is cached - can be caused by some other WP’s plugin
b) some error occurs during data loading ( enabling “debug mode” in admin part can reveal more details )