Q: x-index to show hours, events snap to 30 minute intervals

Is it possible to configure the scheduler so that the x-axis shows hourly intervals but for the cells / events to snap to 30 (or 15) minute intervals? Tried various different configurations to little avail.

In the meantime I will be going through the javascript sources to see if I can just hack it in there… :slight_smile:

This is in tree / timeline mode BTW


Please check scheduler/samples/06_timeline/08_second_scale.html sample in the package. Is it what you’ve described?

Best regards,

Hi, that would be perfect; however when I set the second scale x_unit scale to “hour” the new scale goes full width - just tried it on the demo file and also my own version, same thing on both.

docs.dhtmlx.com/doku.php?id=dhtm … r:timeline < states that x_unit can be hour, day, week, month, year - could this be a mistake in the documentation?

Oop! just tracked it down, ext_matrix.js > is_new_interval() has no case for “hour” I’ll see if I can make it work then send back my workings :slight_smile:

While I think I have the patch to make this work, I have no idea how to go from source-code > compiled code…

Build scripts are not included in the package, but you can

a) just rename fixed matrix.js as codebase/dhtmlxscheduler_timeline.js and use tool like YUI compressor to decrease its size.


b) just send the patch to us (support@dhtmlx.com) , and we will reply with compressed version

@Stanislav - well, I’m unsure if my code works; no worries though I’ve used CSS to trick it into submission; might be wise to update the documentation so that “hours” is not shown as an option :slight_smile:

Is the fix for the second_scale hour units included in the latest version? If not, how do I get it?


hour option will be supported in the upcoming version.

Kind regards,