Question about Agenda View

First of all I want to thank you for this great app.

I build a website by Wordpress where I am using the Wordpress plugin an so far it works well

You can see it at:

My problem is, that I have many event without any start and end-time.

So I want to set them on “Fullday” - and that works for me.

In the Agenda View there is show, the start day - to end-Day.

So my question: Is the a way to show only the Start-day in the Agenda View.

I have to say that my Java is very basic, so I would ask you for a sep by step instruktion.

Thanks in advance from Germany

Frank Hamm

please, find file wp-content/plugins/event-calendar-scheduler/scheduler_include.html and add the follow code inside:

scheduler.templates.agenda_time = function(start,end,ev){
	if (ev._timed) 
		return this.day_date(ev.start_date, ev.end_date, ev);
		return scheduler.templates.day_date(start)+" &ndash; "+scheduler.templates.day_date(end);

Hi and thanks for your reply and help. I think I explained my needs wrong.

the event 1 and 3 in the agenda are my problems. This 2 events a set as full day, and I want them to displayed only with the start date.

Event 2 is an event with rearly is going on serveral day.

Event 4 and 5 are created with Start-Time. In this Cases I want the Start-Time to be displayed, with is after adding your coded anymore.

I hope I was able to explain what I need?

Kinde regards and thanks in advance for any further help.

Frank Hamm

In the meantime I was able to get the time output be shown for the events which have a Start Time - in my testcases Nr. 4 + 5

This is the code at the moment

My problem is to create a second if to find the events which are set to full_day. And how to get away the End-Date for them.

Any ideas??

sorry for the delay in answerring.
Could you provide actual events, existing events aren’t shown in agenda-view any more.

I have dded testevent. One with start and endtime, one without anytime (fullday) and one ist an event over more than one day.

Thanks in advance

Try to use the follow template:

scheduler.templates.agenda_time = function(start,end,ev){
   if (ev._timed)
      return this.day_date(ev.start_date, ev.end_date, ev) + " " + scheduler.templates.hour_scale(ev.start_date) + " - " + scheduler.templates.hour_scale(ev.end_date);
   else {
      var isFulldayEvent = ( && && ev.end_date.valueOf()-ev.start_date.valueOf() < 2*24*60*60*1000);
      if (isFulldayEvent)
         return this.day_date(ev.start_date, ev.end_date, ev);
         return scheduler.templates.day_date(start)+" &ndash; "+scheduler.templates.day_date(end);

Thank you so much !!! :smiley: You made my day!!

Kind regrads from Germany
