Question about specifying start_date and end_date for Gantt chart


When I load data for 2 projects (Project-A and Project-B), the timeline in the Gantt chart only displays tasks for Project-A. However, in the resource chart, I want to display the task allocations for the resource (John), including tasks from both Project-A and Project-B.

After specifying the start_date and end_date for the Gantt chart, the tasks for Project-B displayed on the resource chart cannot show the specific task load values for each day.

gantt.config.start_date = new Date(2024, 3, 2);
gantt.config.end_date = new Date(2024, 3, 15);

The duration of Project-B’s task (ProjectB-task-1) is from 2024-03-30 to 2024-04-05. The task starts before the start_date of the Gantt chart, causing the task (ProjectB-task-1) in Project-B on the resource chart to show only “-” from 2024-04-02 onwards.

When I override gantt.templates.resource_cell_value , I noticed that the tasks and assignments parameters were empty arrays when rendering the tasks for Project-B (ProjectB-task-1) from 2024-04-02 to 2024-04-05.

Question 1:
How can I make the task (ProjectB-task-1) for Project-B display the correct load values from 2024-04-02 to 2024-04-05 on the resource chart?
demo:DHTMLX Snippet Tool

Question 2:
Is there a way to display task hierarchy in the resource chart, like:

    + Project-A
        - ProjectA-task-1
    + Project-B
        - ProjectB-task-1

Above, thank you.

It is a bug in Gantt that the resource values are not displayed for the tasks that start before the minimal date but end within the displayed date range.
The dev team will fix that bug in the future, but I cannot give you any ETA.
For now, there is no workaround for that bug.

Right now, there is no way to display the tree structure in the resource assignments. I will add it to our internal wishlist, and the dev team will think about adding that functionality.
Also, this will require assigning resources to parent tasks, and this is not fully working in the current Gantt version. So, even if the dev team decides to add that feature, it won’t happen soon.