Questions about dhtmlx scheduler

I’m working with dhtmlx Scheduler and Timeline view - “days mode”.
Here is my questions.

  1. Is it possible to sort my events in days mode?

          time 00:00 03:00 ...........   24:00

June 26 1st Andrew’s event - display only Andrew’s event
1st John’s event 2nd John’s event - display only John’s event

June 27 1st Andrew’s event
1st John’s event 2nd John’s event

If I cannot be possible,
2) Can I create TimelineView such as drawing below ?

             time 00:00 03:00 ...........   24:00

June 26
John 1st John’s event 2nd John’s event

June 26
Andrew 1st Andrew’s event

June 27
John 1st John’s event 2nd John’s event

June 27
Andrew 1st Andrew’s event

You have both x and y axis displaying time/date…?