QuickInfo - left position

Hi, I am using the scheduler component with the timeline and quick-info plugins.

I have customized the content to show a menu with icons. It is runs well. The problem is the position of the quickInfo window.
When the scroll position is the initial date, the quickInfo window is shown in the correct position.
But when I scroll to the right, the left quickInfo position is wrong. It is always shown in the right side of the scheduler component.

thanks in advance

Hello @darioschmidt,

It’s a known issue which occurs if the timeline is scrollable, it stays in dev tracker unfortunately there is no any ETA when it can be fixed, but I will notify you of any updates.

Currently, there is no any workaround for that, but if positioning of the quick_info is critical for you, you can use any third party library to show popups, instead of the quick_info plugin.

Kind regards,