Hi there,
I’m trying to use the “dhtmlx-gantt” trial version in a project with both React and Typescript.
Basically I’m facing the same issue as this guy did, 3 month ago: http://disq.us/p/2i3917y
The documentation advise to use the “react package version” of the trial as stated here: https://docs.dhtmlx.com/gantt/web__react.html
However, this version, doesn’t seems to come with valid types definitions. I’ve tried to add “@types/dhtmlxgantt” but it doesn’t work with trial: “@dhtmlx/trial-react-gantt” package.
I’ve also tried to directly get the source code (which come with some types definitions), but this doesn’t play nice with react. And all “react wrapper” code I’ve found are javascript only, without any types definitions.
After some research I haven’t found any documentation on how to use the trial version with a React/Typescript project. If anyone could provide me some I’ll be thankful.