I need to display values in price format - “$35.97” and footer to display total ($(#stat_total)).
Issues (I use setNumberFormat(“0,000.00”,9,".",",")):
I do not need price column to be editable, but to display “$” before it’s value - how to do it?
I need values to display 2 decimal digits ($35.00), but it shows 1 digit if first is “0” ($35.0) - how to fix it?
thank you Olga.
what about my second question:
2. I need values to display 2 decimal digits ($35.00), but it shows 1 digit if first is “0” ($35.0) - how to fix it?
Yes it is column 9, but it returns 35.0 instead of 35.00 - second decimal zero is missing.
BTW it displays correctly 35.06, if second decimal digit is not a zero…
Another thing - “$” sign does not show (grid.setNumberFormat("$0,000.00",9,".",",")), should it?
Olga, I use the pro basecode of 1+ year old, may be this is the issue -
the setNumberFormat works but does not display second decimal zero
setDateFormat("%m/%d/%Y") does not work at all - it ignores this setting. I included all needed calendar libraries… The xml values for dhxCalendar column is “d/m-%Y” (almost like in the example you referred ["%d/%m-%Y"]).