readonly form in week adn day view


Read only property of form works well in month view. but when you traverse through week and day can still edit the name of the event. you double click it opens in readonly mode. but if you want ,still you can change the name of event by click the edit image which appears on the left cornor of every event in the day and week view.

“Readonly form” extension doesn’t block edit event with “Edit” button on selection menu or with double click on event in day and month view.
You can configure schedule so edit events in day end week view will be blocked:
scheduler.config.details_on_dblclick=true; //show description window on double click on event in day and week view

I already has this setting. cant I hide the selection menu itself? as well as I want restriction on dbclick editing . if user is not authorized for it.

why should I be allowed to modify the others event?, and for single day event also it should open the readonly detail form instead of allowing user to modify the user name

cant I hide the selection menu itself?
You can hide selection menu with “onClick” event:

scheduler.attachEvent(“onClick”, function (event_id, native_event_object){
//any custom logic here
return false;//block default behavior

>>as well as I want restriction on dbclick editing
You can use “onDblClick” event … ondblclick

>>why should I be allowed to modify the others even
"Readonly form" extension doesn’t block edit of events. It just changes description window of event and makes it not editable.