Recurring Error

I get the following javascript error when go to a month with a Recurring event in Month view. The event will not open for editing with double click.

Error:[“transpose_” + a.rec_pattern] is not a function
Debugger highlights this line of code in dhtmlxscheduler_recurring.js:

scheduler.repeat_date=function(a,b,c,d,f){var d=d||this._min_date,f=f||this._max_date,e=new Date(a.start_date.valueOf());if(!a.rec_pattern&&a.rec_type)a.rec_pattern=a.rec_type.split("#")[0];this.transpose_type(a.rec_pattern);for("transpose_"+a.rec_pattern;e<a.start_date||e.valueOf()+a.event_length1E3<=d.valueOf();),1,a.rec_pattern);for(;e<f&&e<a.end_date;){var h=this._get_rec_marker(e.valueOf(),;if(h)c&&b.push(h);else{var j=new Date(e.valueOf()+a.event_length

Internet Explorer:
Object does not support this property or method
Debugger highlights this code in dhtmlxscheduler_recurring.js:

for("transpose_+a.rec_pattern; in the

I removed all records from the table and now the error is gone however in Firefox I still can not double click on events in Month view to open them in edit mode. In IE this works perfectly fine.

Actually I can double click & open recurring events in Month View in Firefox but can not double click non-recurring events.

Original problem was caused by invalid rec_type value, not quite sure how it can appear in db.
As for second problem, which version of FF you are using? There is known issue with FF9, which caused similar issue ( FF10 works correctly )

Yes I found that Firefox 10 works correctly. I also discovered dragging a reoccuring event in FireFox 9 causes the reoccur event for that day to be deleted. This does not happen in FF 10.

The problem however is if someone uses Firefox 9 unknowingly they end up deleting things unintentionaly. Is there anyway to defeat the deletion in FF 9 by adding code in the connector script.
