When I started creating recurring events(basic settings) in my calendar POC, I found the following issue and find the details below:
I have Created a new recurring event with the following settings(snapshot #1)
Every workday
Start Date 7/3/12
Full day
End by 7/8/12
When I open the series back up, I see the following settings:(snapshot # 2)
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Start Date 7/3/12
Full day
End by 7/8/12
Edited the event by changing the End by to 7/7/12 and saved(snapshot # 3). System changed the start date on the event to the beginning of the week. Event now has the following settings:(snapshot #4)
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Start Date 7/1/12
Full day
End by 7/8/12
As you see, the start date is changed from 7/3/12 to 7/1/12. Also, When I save the every work day option intially, the application is saving rectype with week i.e. week_1___1,2,3,4,5#. Because of this reason, when I open the series, instead of showing every work day and day option, it showing week option with Mon to friday checkboxes selected.
Could you please let me know how recurring option is working and it would be of great help if you share your thoughts and solution to solve this issue.
I have noticed another issue in recurring event creation. Please find the details below:
Entered a recurring event with the following parameters.
Select Monthly
Select Repeat 1 day every 1 month
Select After 4 occurences
Enter Date=September 1 6:00 pm- September 1 9:00 pm
Dates created were 9/1/12, 10/1/12, 11/1/12, 12/1/12, 1/1/13. Should have stopped after 4 occurrences. But it is adding one extra.
I would like to inform you that the recurring event creation seems to be not consistent as I am noticing different issues with different settings of recurring event.
could you please look in to issue and let me know how should I solve this issue.
Thanks again in advance for your support and cooperation.
For better understanding of recurrence setup, it would be great, if you share any self-explanatory document on recurring options available in scheduler and behavioral/functional aspects of these options and their combinations. Also, How to customize for extending them in future (if required).
Hi Kamal,
Thank you for the detailed reports, we’ve reproduced this issue.
The bug is confirmed, but unfortunately we can’t provide a hotfix. This bug will be fixed in one of the future updates
I think…
When recurring event added, this code is not work, and correct start_date is saved.
Only,when recurring event is updated, this code is worked, and start_date is overwrote in week_start.