Recurring events: Advanced rotation calendar


We are trying to extend dhtmlxScheduler to a Rotation Calendar for the workers of an institution. We are using timeline view where the y-axis corresponds to workers and x-axis dates (2.nd x-axis weeks). See attached image.

  1. The rotation is 6 weeks (image only shows 4 but it is 6…)
  • week 1 - 3 days (mon-wen)
  • week 2 - Free (i.e no days)
  • week 3 - 4 days (Thursday - Sunday)
  • week 4 - Free
  • week 5 - 3 days (mon-wen)
  • week 6 - Free
  1. We need to extend the recurring events so that this 6 weeks rotation is repeated for a year for each worker.

  2. Any help where to start, what files to edit, etc are very welcome


  1. The rotation is 6 weeks (image only shows 4 but it is 6…)
    Very problematic, the timeline can’t render such multi-part events. Instead of single rotation it has sense to split it in 3 events , which will share the same rotation_id
  1. We need to extend the recurring events so that this 6 weeks rotation is repeated for a year for each worker.

You can use existing recurring functionality , just set all events ( which are part of rotation ) as 6-week recurring … g_events&s[]=scheduler&s[]=recurring#server_side_integration

rec_type = week_6
event_length = length_in_days2460*60
end_date = end of year


The proposed strategy simply works.