Recurring events not loadin / saving correctly


I’m saving a recurring event, which goe to the databaswithout an issue. However, when i load the docum,ent the reccurring event covers the whole week instead of lasting for the time assigned in the appointment.

The data component view is set as

<data> @foreach (var myevent in Model) { <event id=""> <start_date><![CDATA[@String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm}",myevent.start_date)]]></start_date> <end_date><![CDATA[@String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm}",myevent.end_date)]]></end_date> <text><![CDATA[@myevent.text]]></text> <rec_type><![CDATA[@myevent.rec_type]]></rec_type> </event> } </data>

and the db is set up to use the id,start, end, red_type etc fields.

Any ideas?

The data appearts like this in the db (see attached file)… I can find nothing to suggest how best to resolve this for use with singkle events and recurring events

The data appearts like this in the db (see attached file)… I can find nothing to suggest how best to resolve this for use with singkle events and recurring events

end_date of “tuesday” events wasn’t saved correctly, it causes an issue.
How do you save events, can you post code here?

Change data template to output event_length and event_pid

<event id=""> <start_date><![CDATA[@String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm}",myevent.start_date)]]></start_date> <end_date><![CDATA[@String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm}",myevent.end_date)]]></end_date> <text><![CDATA[@myevent.text]]></text> <rec_type><![CDATA[@myevent.rec_type]]></rec_type> <event_length><![CDATA[@myevent.event_length]]></event_length> <event_pid><![CDATA[@myevent.event_pid]]></event_pid> </event>