Recurring functionality in Lightbox not working

I am trying to implement the recurring event functionality and saw the example in samples\03_extensions\01_recurring_events.html which is working fine. However when I implement it in my code it is not working as expected. Here are the problems:

  1. Enable/Disable button does not work at all. On click it just changes from Enable to Disable and back but does not do anything.
  2. Arrow signs beside Enable/Disable does not appear.
  3. All the radio buttons are in a single line in lightbox and not in different columns separated by dotted line as in the example file.

I have included the recurring js and css file and the code added for recurring is as below:

scheduler.config.lightbox.sections = [
{name: “provider”, map_to: “provider”, type: “select”, options:provideroptions, focus: true },
{name: “apptype”,map_to: “apptype”, type: “select”, options:apptypeoptions },
{name: “description”, map_to: “text”, type: “appointmentdetails_editor” },
{name:“recurring”, type:“recurring”, map_to:“rec_type”, button:“recurring”},
{name: “time”, type:“time”, map_to:“auto”}

Do I need to add anything more? A quick reply will be appreciated.


Please double check that all js and css files are included. Try including files related to the recurring events after all other scheduler files.
If that doesn’t solve your issue please provide link to the page where this problem could be reproduced.

If you have license please post urgent questions in our support system.

Best regards,