I have a Window.attachURL(aurl,true) in one window.
This window calls another window where some data is updated.
When I close the new data window I want to refresh the calling window. (similiar to opener.location.reload(true))
What is the equivelant dhtmlx syntax?
there isn’t similar approach to opener.location.reload(true).
Windows are avalaible by their object:
win = dhxWins.createWindow(“w1”, 20, 30, 320, 200);
or by their ids:
To refresh a window you can call attachURL method again.
What I was wanting to know was if there was any way of finding what the URL called by a window was so that I could pass it back into attachUrl?
unfortunately, windows doesn’t provide functionality to get an url that is used in attachURL method. You should place url into some variable before attachURL method is called.