refreshFilters closes selection


I encountered a problem while using filters in dhtmlxGrid. I want to filter my columns by the values of the rows. For this I used the method attachHeader() and tried different configuration. select_filter as well as combo_filter. The filtering itself works fine.

In my use case I have to add new rows periodically. So there will be new values for the filter every few seconds. So after I add a new row I also call refreshFilters(). The new values are also inserted properly. But when I open the combo-box and the refreshFilters() is called during the filter selection is open the selection is getting closed.

I tested this in different browsers:
IE11 closes the combo_filter and the select_filter selection when refreshFilters() is called.
Chrome closes the combo_filter but not the select_filter selection when refreshFilters() is called.
Firefox closes the combo_filter but not the select_filter selection when refreshFilters() is called.

Is it possible that the selection stays open even if refreshFilters() is called? Or is there a way to check if the selection is already open?
Need a solution that works in every browser (IE, Chrome, Firefox).


Found a solution for this problem.

I just don’t call refreshFilters() when a new line is added but when the user opens the selection filter.
Therefore I use getElementByClassName(“hdrcell filter”) to get the HTML element and adjust the onmousedown handler.

This works fine in Chrome and Firefox.
For IE it is a little more complicated. Basically you have to make sure that the onmousedown handler is reseted to default when the selection is open. Otherwise you won’t be able to choose an entry.
